"Not Even the Gates of Hell..." (Sermon on Matthew 16:13-20) | September 6, 2020

Text: Matthew 16:13-20

Date: September 6, 2020

Event: The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A

Matthew 16:13–20  (EHV)

13When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” 

14They said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 

15He said to them, “But you, who do you say that I am?” 

16Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 

17Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overpower it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 20Then he commanded the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ. 

Not Even the Gates of Hell…

Earlier this week Alex and I were watching a baseball game on TV. As one of the outfielders came up to bat, the announcers said, “He came in to this series looking good, but he’s gone 0-8 since this series started. A bit of a slump.” Could the formally productive player be washed up? Was he going to have time to get out of a sudden slump given the COVID-shortened season? Well, as he stepped up to the plate he blasted a 2-run home run; his next time at bat he hit a 3-run home run. Not the pitcher, not the rest of the defense, not even his own personal struggles at the plate would stop that player from winning the game for the team.

There was some uncertainty, though. No one knew that he would pull through for his team the way he did. And there remains uncertainty. What will the next game bring? The slump could return.

Jesus in our gospel this morning makes his disciples and us promises of success for us no matter what happens. It may not feel like we can have any certainty in this life, with job, family, neighborhood, pandemic, fire, smoke heat—whatever—stress. But Jesus assures us that not even the gates of hell itself will overcome us, nothing can overcome our Savior.

Jesus was continuing his traveling, preaching, and teaching work. But in our Gospel for this morning he has a brief moment of time with his disciples. We’re going to focus on that conversation for the next two Sundays, but for today we have the first promise that Jesus makes in this lesson. Jesus begins, as they walk, with a question. “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” In other words, “What are people saying about me? What’s the word that you hear?” Jesus, because he is God, of course knew what anyone was thinking about him. But he uses this question to start to probe at his disciples’ hearts.

Everyone had seemed to hear something just a little bit different: John the Baptist, raised from the dead (what an odd thought given that Jesus and John had clearly worked at the same time before John’s execution by Herod!)? Elijah, one the great Old Testament prophets, returning to continue his work? Jeremiah, another giant among the prophets who had brought God’s Word to his people during the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians and their subsequent exile? Someone else from the past who was very important? 

What is clear from all of those ideas is that there was simultaneously a great deal of respect and a great deal of confusion about Jesus. He had fed the 5,000 men plus women and children with a small lunch, but then refused to do any more free-food miracles for that crowd. He taught with authority, but people didn’t always want to hear what he had to say. He clearly was sent with power, likely by God, but what were his final goals? The people were lost.

Having heard the answers from the crowd, Jesus turns the question on his disciples: “But you, who do you say that I am?” Now, we know that Peter often let his mouth get him into trouble. But, here, Peter’s impetuousness answers with a beautiful answer on behalf of the twelve: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Let’s take just a moment and unpack that. Peter doesn’t say that Jesus was some legendary figure brought back from the dead. As amazing as that would be, Peter knew that any such ideas were selling Jesus far short of who he truly was. “You are the Christ,” he says. “Christ” is a Greek term meaning “anointed one” or “chosen one.” Hebrew used the term “Messiah.” This was a technical term for the promised one, the seed of the woman promised in the Garden of Eden who would defeat Satan, the suffering servant from Isaiah who would be pierced and crushed for our sins. This was far more impressive than “just” being some miraculously-raised prophet. The prophets were important in large part because they pointed ahead to the Christ; Jesus was the Christ himself!

Peter might have had some mistaken ideas about the role of the Christ (which we’ll talk a bit more about next week), but Jesus is clearly delighted by his confession. He says, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.” Faith in Jesus as Christ, as Savior, doesn’t come because we do a lot of studying or are very smart or have worked really hard. Faith is totally and completely a gift from God. That you trust Jesus as your Savior is a gift from your God who loves you dearly. 

Peter’s confession is so important, that Jesus is set on building the entire foundation of the church upon it. Jesus goes on, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overpower it.” Boisterous Peter has given Jesus an example to point. His name literally means, “Rock,” but Jesus is using a bit of wordplay here. He’s not saying he is going to build his church on Peter—grammatically, that’s impossible based on what Jesus says—but he is saying that he will build it on Peter’s confession of him as the Christ. The fact that Jesus is the Savior from sin would be and continues to be the foundation of any true-teaching church.

And it’s easy to lose sight of that, right? Churches start out wanting to do good in the world, in their communities, and that’s wonderful and important. But if a congregation becomes primarily concerned with people’s physical well-being rather than their spiritual well-being, they’ve lost sight of their foundation. If the focus is on sharing self-help tips rather than pointing to Jesus as the Christ, the Savior from all sin, they’ve lost the thread and the message they’ve been tasked with sharing. Lord, keep us from falling into this trap!

But, when we proclaim Jesus as the solution to all sin—yours and mine—then something amazing happens. Then we have something that cannot be taken away from us. Then we have a message then cannot be defeated. The promise of God is clear: nothing will be able to permanently undo this message of sins forgiven in Jesus, not even the gates of hell. The gospel message advances triumphantly, and Satan is powerless to stop it. It will and does bring comfort to the aching hearts of sinners around the world.

And that message is going to be proclaimed in some pretty direct ways. Jesus says, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Jesus here singles our Peter and elsewhere gives these keys to the church as a whole. The keys Jesus speaks about are of binding and loosing, locking and unlocking, forgiving or not forgiving.

Jesus’ death paid for all sin. Everything is done. When Jesus said, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) from the cross, he wasn’t lying or exaggerating. But, you and I have the horrid ability to reject that forgiveness. We can look God in the eyes and say, “No thank you.” We do that by ignoring God’s Word. We do that by embracing and relishing sin. And that’s where Jesus gives to his church the keys, to announce forgiveness and a lack of forgiveness to people.

For the person with a troubled conscience, who is worried that what they have done will prevent them from ever entering eternal life, we have the joyful duty and privilege to bring the gospel to them, to point them to Jesus, the Christ, and say “There is your Savior! There is your forgiveness! It’s been done and won for you! Thanks be to God!” And the person with whom we share that message can be certain that it is just as valid as if Jesus himself were sharing it, “whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 

But what about the other end of the spectrum? What about the person who doesn’t care about their sin, who thinks it’s no big deal, or actually really likes it and says they will not make any effort to remove it from their life? Such an unrepentant person spurns God’s mercy and love and separates themselves from God’s forgiveness. To that person we have the solemn responsibility to warn them that they are condemning themselves because they are rejecting God’s love. They are taking the burden of their sin away from Jesus and putting it back on their own shoulders. We have to warn them that going down that path will mean no joyful entrance into eternal life, “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.”

Sin, Satan, Death, and Hell cannot stand up against the advancement of our Savior’s Word. We conquer all of our enemies, because he conquered it all for us. Because of Jesus’ life and death for us, because of his promises to us, nothing can stand in our way from sharing the gospel, nothing can stop us from entering into eternal life, not even the gates of hell! Amen.

"We Have a Listening Savior" (Sermon on Matthew 15:21-28) | August 30, 2020

Matthew 15:21–28 (EHV)

Jesus left that place and withdrew into the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22There a Canaanite woman from that territory came and kept crying out, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! A demon is severely tormenting my daughter!” 
23But he did not answer her a word. 
His disciples came and pleaded, “Send her away, because she keeps crying out after us.” 
24He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 
25But she came and knelt in front of him, saying, “Lord, help me.” 
26He answered her, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to their little dogs.” 
27“Yes, Lord,” she said, “yet their little dogs also eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” 
28Then Jesus answered her, “Woman, your faith is great! It will be done for you, just as you desire.” And her daughter was healed at that very hour. 

“We Have a Listening Savior”


I’ve never been especially handy. I think in the 14-plus years that Karen and I have been married, I’ve improved a small amount in that regard, but doing plumbing or landscaping or woodworking has never been anything that comes naturally. And, because those things don’t come naturally the temptation is strong to avoid them completely, or give up on them at the first moment of friction or frustration. 

And yet, not bailing on something immediately can lead to great blessings righT? If you stick with a problem and try to solve it, you might figure something out, acquire a new skill, or at least learn that, yes, for sure, in the future, I should hire a professional to handle this problem. But to get to that point, you have to be persistent. 

Through the great faith in the Canaanite woman, Jesus teaches us about our prayer life and how we should bring requests to our God. He doesn't want us to give up or to question whether we have permission to ask for him help. No, Jesus assures us that We Have a Listening Savior. That's true regardless of who we are, and so we pray with persistence.

The Gospel for today takes place close to the midpoint of Jesus' earthly ministry, just after the events from the previous weeks’ Gospels coming after Jesus finding out about John the Baptist’s execution by King Herod, the feeding of the 5,000, and Jesus going out to meet the disciples on the water in the middle of the storm. At the beginning of our lesson, Jesus withdrew from Jewish region of Galilee and headed northwest, to Tyre and Sidon, two prominent cities for the Phoenicians. Jesus was now in Gentile country.

The Jewish people very often saw themselves as above the Gentiles. Despite God making clear that his promises were for all people, you rarely see the Jewish people showing spiritual concern for the Gentiles. Instead, they tended to flaunted their superiority. They were God’s chosen people after all!

That helps to add some color to the disciples' attitude toward the woman who was crying out after Jesus. They didn't want to be bothered by this woman, let alone a Gentile. Even Jesus' words, initially, can put us off a bit and make us wonder what he was doing and why he was acting that way. Despite the cold shoulder the woman was getting from Jesus and his disciples, she was still confident that Jesus not only could, but would heal her daughter. 

It was pretty brazen of her, a Gentile woman, to ask Jesus, a Jewish man, for anything. She had no right to even talk to him, culturally speaking. Yet she makes this great request of him. But there was a much bigger divide between she and Jesus than just cultural norms: she was a sinner, and she was talking to God.

You and I had the same wall separating us from God as well. And this isn't little chain-link fence that you can see through. This is a solid wall, hundreds of feet tall, covered in razor wire. It's an unscalable and unconquerable wall. We can't talk to God, we can't see God, we can't get any help. We can't do a single thing to bring that wall down.

And yet that woman still prayed and sought Jesus' help. Because our Listening Savior didn't care where she was from or who her parents were. He was concerned about her. He himself tore down that wall of sin that was between them. That was his whole reason for being here. He was to bring and be the bread of life to all people, including this humble and persistent Canaanite woman!

That gives us food for thought too. It can be easy to slip into stereotypes and prejudices. What do we think about people who are different than us? Does race change what we think about a person before we even meet them? Do socioeconomic differences change what we think about a person? Do we think someone is not worthy of our time or attention because of how different they are from us? Do we think, like the disciples might have, that they're not worthy of our Savior?

And really, that's true. They are not worthy of Jesus. But it’s not that we are and that aren’t. We are not worthy of Jesus either. In the end, there is no difference between any of us. In God's sight we were all sinners, walled-in by our willful disobedience.

Praise be to God, though, that he didn't just come to save a select group of people! Jesus came to save all people! He made that point very clear as he praised the woman's faith. Jesus’ death and resurrection is for all people, everywhere. Jesus death is for you and me, your neighbor and coworker, the person who loves you and the person who despises you—the entire world! All the things we did wrong? They're gone, nailed to his cross! All the things we should have done right? Jesus did them in our place. The wall has been broken down and we are now God's children, dearly loved by our Heavenly Father!

But there's something else striking about this woman's plea for help beyond her ignoring of cultural norms. Did you notice how persistent she is? Jesus completely ignores her request, and she keeps crying out after him. She races ahead and kneels down before him and begs. Jesus even insults her by calling her a “little dog”, a dog that would've been permissible in the house as a pet but not of any use in hunting. Yet still she doesn't swerve from her request. Her desire to have her daughter healed was that great, and her faith that Jesus could do it was that strong.

Why did Jesus behave like that? Is Jesus betraying some hostility to the Canaanite people himself? Is Jesus himself being the racist that we just warned each other against? Hardly. Jesus had a two-fold purpose to his attitude and his answers here. The first was to test the woman's faith. The second, and perhaps more important, was to teach his disciples, including you and me, how to be persistent in our prayers.

The temptation is there, in our prayer life, just as it might be for me doing home repairs: try once, and if nothing happens, give up. “I prayed about it,” we might say, “and nothing happened. God must either not want to give me what I asked for or simply wasn't listening.” How much farther from the truth could we be? God wants us to pray with confidence to him, knowing that he does indeed hear and answer our prayers.

So God didn't answer us 15 seconds after we prayed about something once? Pray again, and again, and again, and again. And then what do we do if it seems like Jesus isn't answering our prayers? We ought to examine what we are asking, and how we're asking it. Are we praying like Jesus prayed, that above all else God's will would be done in our lives? Are we praying that whatever is best for us, that's what Jesus would allow to happen to us?

We pray confidently, boldly, and persistently because God has attached such awesome promises to prayer. The apostle Paul urges us to “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17) because, as James wrote in his letter, “The prayer of a righteous person is able to do much because it is effective” (5:16). The power doesn't rest in the prayer itself, but in the one answering it. The prayer isn't just a good mental break and exercise for us, it's asking our heavenly Father for the things we need, or even the things we'd just like to have happen. We don't pray hoping God will hear us; we pray knowing God will answer us. James said that the prayer of a righteous person is able to do much, to be effective. That has nothing to do with our worthiness to come to God, the strength of our faith, or how well we pray; it has everything to do with God making us righteous in his sight through Jesus' death and resurrection.

And that's where our comfort lies. It doesn't matter who we are or where we've come from. God loves us. It doesn't matter what we've done or the guilt we carry with us. God's forgiven us. And it doesn't matter how unworthy we think our prayers and requests are. God will answer us. Sometimes it might be a resounding yes, sometimes a no, and sometime God might simply be telling us to wait  for something better to come. Regardless, we continue to pray persistently, with confidence, and in Jesus' name because he’s forgiven you according to his will because he loves you. How awesome it is to be heard, day or night, by our listening Savior! Amen.

Sermon: We Use God’s Gifts in Faith (Genesis 14:8-24 | Pentecost 8C)

Maybe you’ve felt this in the past. You receive a gift from a friend or family member, but it’s not an actual item you can use but a gift card. Perhaps you hem and haw about what you would use it on. It should be something fun, right? If you’re anything like me, perhaps you go back and forth about this for a while until you put the card in a drawer and forget about it entirely.

That’s not exactly using the gift to the best of its ability, is it? God doesn’t give gifts for us to waste or ignore, either. We shouldn’t lock up anything that God has given to us, be it skills and talents or other gifts. God gives these gifts that we should use them to benefit ourselves, our families, our fellow Christians, and everyone around us.

Sermon: Humility Struggles Toward the Narrow Door (Luke 13:22–30 | Pentecost 14C)

Humility is a tricky thing. We recognize that being humble is a good thing and that having a domineering ego that takes hold of us and dictates all of our decisions tends to go very poorly. But how often is humility seen as a sign of weakness, something that can be taken advantage of? False-humility is also a problem, making it look like you’re humble but it’s only a show.

Jesus in our Gospel for this morning forces us into real humility, humility that recognizes what we are by nature and what we need God to do for us. This humility, when properly applied, causes us to struggle through this life to the narrow door of eternal life with him, trusting his forgiveness to undo our grievous and innumerable faults.

Sermon: Sometimes Peace Means Conflict (Luke 12:49-53 | Pentecost 13C)

Peace is generally seen as a good thing. We’d rather have peace with our neighbor than be the midst of a feud over the fence. We’d rather have peace with a coworker rather than dealing with passive-aggressive animosity.

And yet, Jesus seems to put a wet blanket on our joy and aspirations for peace, doesn’t he? He said in our lesson for this morning, “I came to throw fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already ignited. But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is finished! Do you think that I came to bring peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” So, were the angels wrong? Did Simeon have a false comfort? Is Jesus set on bringing peace or not?

Sermon: God Visits His People (Luke 7:11-17 | Pentecost 3C)

Jesus’ resurrection gives us a glimpse of what is to come. Our tomb will be like his tomb. Our coffin will be like the young man in Nain’s coffin. That is to say, empty. Because Jesus has defeated death for us, we will live with him forever. Physical death will likely claim our life unless Jesus returns before that day. But that death is only temporary. Our eternal lives are safe and secure with the God who visited his people to save them.

Sermon: The Trinity Is United for Your Good (John 16:12-15 | Trinity, Year C)

We may not be able to explain the how’s of the Triune God, but we know the what’s and the why’s: God loves us. We are freed from the debt we owed to God. We are rescued from hell. We will be with our Triune God face-to-face in eternal life, just as he originally intended for us to be. Thank you, Father, Son, and Spirit, for these and so many other blessings!

Sermon: How Do We Become All Things to All People? (1 Corinthians 9:7-12, 19-23 | Pentecost 22B)

Paul recognized that the Christian ministry was all about adaption. That while the message of the Christian faith cannot be modified, changed, or compromised, he notes that we also can’t just ram-rod one, single-minded approach down the throat of anyone we come into contact with. We will want to adapt. But that begs the question here in 21st Century America, 21st Century Northern California, how do we become all things to all people?

Sermon: Submit to One Another (Ephesians 5:21–6:4 | Pentecost 20B)

If you have paid any attention to current events, you’ve seen a great deal of time spent and ink spilled on personal relationships. How should a man treat a woman? A woman a man? A husband his wife? A wife her husband? A parent their child? A child their parent? How should coworkers interact with each other? How should friends treat each other? How do members of a congregation interact with one another in a way that brings glory to God?

Sermon: God’s Word is What We Need to Hear, Not What We Want to Hear (Jeremiah 38:1-13 | Pentecost 17B)

When you sit down with that friend or family member for that tough conversation, there may be no real fix to the problems. They just be things that now you have to deal with. But with God’s bad news? He provides the certain solution. The law that condemns us is overwhelmed by the gospel, the good news that Jesus has saved us.

So don’t rebel against what God says to you, painful as it might be. Listen to it. Listen  to all of it. It might not be what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear, because in that message of sin and forgiveness of that sin is comfort of your eternal life! Amen.

Sermon: Live Your New Birth in the Word of Truth! (James 1:17-27 | Pentecost 15B)

When God brought you to faith, when he gave you birth through his Word of truth, that was a life-changing event. It didn’t just change that moment; it changed the whole rest of your life. Enjoy that new life, that new status with God. Love that Word where he reminds you of all that he’s done for you every day. Love others as God has loved you. Live your life with the strength that God continues to give!

Sermon: There’s No Place Like Home (John 6:60-69 | Pentecost 14B)

Jesus is home for now, and for eternity. Without Jesus, we have nothing to show for our lives. Without Jesus, we have hell as our eternal destination. Without Jesus, we may deceive ourselves into thinking things are fine when they’re really not. But what do we have with Jesus? With Jesus we receive the words of eternal life—the assurance of our complete forgiveness because Jesus lived and died for us. With Jesus we are with the Holy One of God—the Holy One who saves us, who have not been holy. With Jesus, we are home, truly home, eternally home.

Sermon: Gnaw on Your Savior (John 6:51-58 | Pentecost 13B)

In our Gospel this morning, we continue down the path of Jesus’ teaching the crowd in the events surrounding his feeding of the 5,000 men on the hillside. Jesus has been trying to get the people to lift their eyes heavenward, to see that there’s more to this life than what is immediately surrounding them. They shouldn’t be following him hoping for their next free lunch; they should be following them because he provides eternal life.

Sermon: Work for Food that Endures to Eternal Life (John 6:24-35 | Pentecost 11B)

Jesus provides us with spiritual bread and water that leaves us refreshed and satisfied to eternity. That food and drink is his Word. That food and drink is his life, death, and resurrection. In the Bread of Life we have forgiveness for all of our misguided priorities and short-sighted prayers. In Jesus we have forgiveness that doesn’t just get us through a day, or week, or year; we have forgiveness that nourishes through eternal life. Every sin is gone; in Jesus we live forever.

Sermon: Jesus is our Rest-Giver (Mark 6:30-34 | Pentecost 9B)

Have you ever been in that situation where you feel pulled in about eighteen different directions? Stress doesn’t do anything good to us, and stress on top of physically and emotionally draining times can just compound things.  When you’re under that kind of load, take Jesus’ advice.  Go with him to a quiet place and get some rest.  Quiet time in restful meditation with God’s Word is very often a solution to the problems that await us and the things that need our attention.  Time with Jesus changes our outlook, drowns our sinful nature again, and recharges us to face what we need to do with renewed zeal.  That’s why our personal and family devotions are so very important.  Very often they may be the one time that we get some rest, emotionally and spiritually, to recharge.