Jesus in our Gospel for this morning gives us the absolute worst case scenario. Jesus’ parable gives us a picture of people who reject his Word and thus are crushed by God’s judgment. With the people listening to Jesus we say “May it never be!”
"The Love of God is Revealed in Christ" (2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 | Transfiguration C 2016)
"God Has Redeemed His People" (Luke 1:68-75 | Christmas 2C 2016)
The lesson before us is what has been come to be known as the Benedictus (because that’s the first word of the song in Latin), or the Song of Zechariah. The song is a song of hope and assurance in the love and forgiveness of God, one uttered, as the verse before our lesson says, when Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied.
"God Prepares the Way for his Purification" (Malachi 3:1-4 | Advent 2C 2015)
"God Justly Judges and Mercifully Saves" (Genesis 9:15-17, 23-29 | Advent 1C 2015)
"Make Thanks a Priority" (Luke 17:11-19 | Thanksgiving Eve 2015)
Our priorities tend to be fluid and change as needs arise. When the big project is due at work, perhaps getting that done and done right takes priority over nice, family dinners for a week or two. When the family hits the road on vacation, hopefully relaxation and bonding take priority over work for the duration of the trip.
Sermon: "We Stand in the Power and Glory of the Son of Man" (Mark 13:24-27 | Saints Triumphant Sunday)
Sermon: "Take Your Stand On the Truth!" (Mark 13:5-11 | Reformation Year B)
We are surrounded by lies every day, and we know it. So when a commercial comes on advertising a new product with claims that sound too good to be true, we raise an eyebrow and assume that it isn’t true. Parents question the weak excuses of a child when the child has been known to exaggerate or simply lie to try to get out of trouble.
Sermon: "We Can Be Certain!" (Luke 1:1-4; 24:44-53 | Festival of St. Luke 2015)
Festival Sundays surrounding a prominent figure from church history, biblical or otherwise, is always a delicate balancing act. Whether we are speaking about Martin Luther’s work at a Reformation celebration later this month or a festival like we have before us today, celebrating the work of the Evangelist Luke, we are very careful to make clear that we are not merely celebrating or even going to the extreme of worshipping the human being.
Sermon: "Do Not Be Afraid; Just Believe" (Mark 5:21-24a, 35-43 | Pentecost 6B 2015)
Sermon: We Wish To See Jesus (John 12:20-33 | Lent 5B 2015)
Sermon: God Has Brought Us Life From Death (Ephesians 2:4-10 | Lent 4B 2015)
Sermon: There Is No Condemnation (Romans 8:1-10 | Lent 3B 2015)
Sermon: Jesus' Authority is Our Security (Mark 1:21-28 | Epiphany 4B 2015)
Have you ever said to someone, “You know what, I wish I felt a little bit less safe?” Probably not. We may seek thrills and excitement, but we all still value safety and security. Someone might go skydiving or bungee jumping, but they will want to check their equipment to make sure it’s reliable and going to function the way they need it to when they need it.
Sermon: The Time is Short (1 Corinthians 7:29-31 | Epiphany 3B 2015)
“We’re late!” That’s never a phrase you want to hear, is it? There are few things that can get your pulse racing like being late for something important. Maybe you had a conversation like that today on the way to church. It’s nice to feel like you’ve got plenty of time to deal with whatever may come your way, to have time to react and plan in a way that will be calm and productive.
Sermon: Our King is an Unlikely Ruler (Matthew 27:27-31 | End Times 4 2014)
In chapel this past Wednesday we talked about what makes a king. Here in the United States we don’t have a whole lot of exposure to kings and the concept of a monarchy. Maybe we hear of a royal wedding or baby in England, but that’s about where it ends. Despite that lack of exposure, though, the kids had a pretty clear idea in their minds of what a king should look like and do.
Sermon: Hallelujah! (Revelation 19:1-9 | End Time 3 2014)
Sermon: The Ancient of Days Sits in Judgment (Daniel 7:9-14 | End Time 2 2014)
Out of sight, out of mind. I try to use that little trick at home. If candy is sitting out in a dish in the kitchen, I’m probably going to eat some as I pass by; if it’s in the cabinet, it’s far more likely to stay there. Sometimes, though, do we treat Judgment Day like the candy that’s in the cabinet, something that is there, but maybe we try to forget that it’s there, that it’s coming?
Sermon: Guard Your Church, O Lord (John 17:6-19 | Reformation 2014)
Sermon: We are Called to be Free and to Give God Our Best (Luke 16:1-15)
Because of our sinful nature our hearts are also predisposed to love money. Despite recent fears and concerns of economic recessions, we are wealthier today in this nation than just about anyone else in any part of the world at any time in history. How many of the things we consider necessities did our grandparents even have?